Our Core Values

These values are non-negotiable characteristics of our church. Our values help us determine what ministries to start, where to spend our time, where to spend our money, and so much more.

We believe there is nothing more important than strong united families. We believe in the early Christian formation of children and youth; providing programs relative to the needs of all age groups. We believe that the local congregation involvement should be an enhancement to the home.

We believe excellence honors God and inspires greatness. We believe that every department must strive for excellence. We believe that excellence in our ministries and lives is a proper reflection of God at work in us as believers.


We believe that loving relationships should permeate every aspect of church life. We believe in the strong unity of the body of Christ. We believe the church is family. We believe in the power of small groups to facilitate strong relationships. We believe integrity in the lives and ministries of our members requires that we provide for accountability relationships.


We believe in equipping the saints for ministry and life by helping them to operate in their spiritual gifts. We recognize and encourage God-given gifts in all women and all men regardless of background. We believe and strongly affirm education. We believe that through the educational process, the body, mind, and spirit are all enhanced for the greater development of the Kingdom of God.


We believe that full devotion to Christ and His cause are normal for every believer. We value our right standing before God through Christ as being righteous and without sin, and we contend for a life free of willful sin and disobedience to Christ. We believe in a personal, daily relationship with Christ. We require our church leadership to exemplify a history of personal faithfulness to their marriage vows from the point of conversion on. We believe that every Christian should mature and use his/her gifts in the local church.

Sound Doctrine

We believe that teaching and doctrine should be balanced on the historical roots of Christianity that shaped the theology and orthodoxy of faith. Sound doctrine is held in high esteem. We believe that we should express its faith with a balance of head and heart-intellect and emotion. We believe that our Biblical principles are not dependent on affirmation or acceptance by culture.

We believe in a balanced message of prosperity, which includes the Biblical pattern of tithing a tenth of our income and in addition giving offerings toward the advancement of the Kingdom of God. We believe in the spontaneity of the workings of the Holy Spirit—balanced, proved, and established on the Word of God.

Social Justice

We believe in both acknowledging the plight of those oppressed by society and in doing whatever is within our power to alleviate the suffering of the oppressed. We recognize that many people in our society are oppressed on the basis of ethnicity, gender, education, and socio-economic background. At Covenant Community Church, we treat all people equally regardless of their background.


We believe that character is more important than talent. We will spare no effort to be reliable and accurate on all accounts spoken or sold. We believe power is potentially dangerous. Our leaders must be careful not to abuse those they lead and must have a strong accountability system. We believe the church must uphold its character with accountability also. Our relationship with worldwide organizations much larger than ourselves is non-negotiable. We are a member of two such organizations. The system of accountability within and outside the church are valued and considered essential to the maintenance of our church.


We believe that an effective church serves its community and treats everyone with love, respect, and dignity. We believe in the church as a force. The church should not be a private or personal matter. His body should be His heart, hands, feet, and mouth in our community. We believe in the liberty to express our unique, God-given call to our community as a congregation. We believe in focusing more on meeting the needs of people than on preserving or growing our institution. Buildings, programs, ideas, and goals are all secondary to people. We believe in being culturally relevant, yet remaining doctrinally pure.

Worship and Prayer

We believe that as believers we have a responsibility to respond to the presence of God during worship. We believe that worship should be done in spirit and truth with all our hearts. We believe that heartfelt worship prepares our hearts and minds to receive the Word of God. We believe in the power of prayer and that it makes a critical difference in all we attempt to achieve. We believe that prayer is a vital key to success in our personal and professional lives. We believe in having an intercessory prayer ministry that holds our church up in prayer on a regular basis.